Saturday, March 7, 2009

Heaven is only a stairway away!

Hawaii not only has beautiful beaches, but also a lot of beautiful mountains. Being a Colorado girl, I love hiking. Lately, we have been exploring all that Oahu has to offer. A group of us went on a hike that I have been wanting to do since I got here. You can see it from the freeway and it looks pretty scary. It is an actual 'stairway' that is led by 4,000 stairs straight up the side of a mountain. We left at 4 in the morning so we could see the sunrise. It was gorgeous. When we started it was dark except for the moon which led our way up and it looked as though we were climbing right towards it! It was pretty windy!
We started down by the freeway.

Staring out at HeavenOn our way down, holding on for dear life.


Nolo and Lauren said...

pretty awesome... love the pics

Heidi Prince said...

wow! i want to do that!

Anna said...

Oh my gosh!!! This looks amazing. I think I tear up every time I read your Hawaii posts. Oh how i miss it. Even more depressing is the fact that my computer was stolen so I have very few pix from living there. Another reason why i need to come visit my BFF....

Kera said...

That is SOOOOOOOO AWESOME!!!! can't wait to see you this summer!