Back in August I committed myself into running the Honolulu Marathon. I was totally committed and excited for about 2 months. Then, I kinda got over it. So, for the last month or so I didn't run as much as I should. And I might have kept looking for excuses to get out of it (rain storm, fake injuries, missing the check-in, arriving late day of) but somehow 5am there I was at the starting line (okay actually 5:08 like I said, I was late). Looking around at the herd of cattle, I mean runners, I realized I was a bit out of place. I was not Asian, I was not wearing a fanny pack, a hat, a Disney costume, a Santa suit, a wedding dress, a tribal outfit, I didn't have my camera with me taking pictures every 5 minutes, nor did I have my cell phone with me. I was impressed, I could barely do it in my tank top and shorts. But observing all these people definitely got me through the first have of the race. The last half was pure determination. I was determined to run the entire thing (minus the water stations where I walked), and I did :)
My goal was to complete it in 5 hours. I finished in 4:52.
Of the 20,411 participants I placed 4,880.
It was such an awesome experience. I am so glad that I didn't back out. 26 miles was pretty though tho, I think I am going to stick with half marathons. There is one on the Big Island in March, any one wanna join me?